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age calculator google-best age calculator in google

age calculator google age calculator google age calculator google:All right. Thank you. Okay All right, you ready? All right. Here we go. 46 46 plus plus 23 23 plus plus 89 89 plus plus 25 25 plus plus 14 14 plus plus 76-73. Okay, one more number plus 12 wait five Okay, that's the same if I was a girl I date you right now lucky or not Okay, let's go on to some multiplication age calculator google:I give me a two-digit multiplied by a two-digit 45 45 five times twenty nine one three. Oh five Okay Division give me a three-digit divided by one digit and try using odd numbers so that you get those decimal points at the back Yeah. Oh, that's no fun. Yeah Five eight nine five eight nine divided by seven five eight nine divided by seven. use age calculator google age calculator google: Eighty four point one I said together again. Eighty four point one four two eight five seven one four two eight five Thank you, thank you That's just division the final take the best one...

Human age calculator- EASY TO CALCULATE

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15 Year Old YAASHWIN SARAWANAN Is A HUMAN CALCULATOR! | Asia's Got Talent 2019 on AXN Asia

human age calculator:I am a human calculator and I'll be performing some speed mental calculations That doesn't sound like the kind of thing that would pull chicks Do you have a girlfriend no maybe after today So why have you come to Asia's Got Talent I want to prove that Matz is actually a very fun and easy thing to do That might be a little hard to convince the girls the math is fun. Let's see what you got We ain't showing you guys up on Caesar no, of course you don't thank you Okay So here's a calculator so you know how to use it. Right? Are you? All right good Now let's begin with some two-digit edison's. All right, so you're going to be giving me the questions for instance 54 plus 87 plus 96 etc until I see him the last number of something and you guys in the audience you can use the Calculator app in your phone and verify the answer with mr. David Foster. Okay.


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